Daily Sayings

  The thirty-one sayings of the Japanese pacifist and religious figure, Master Masahisa Goi, included in this
Daily Sayings were selected from a larger collection of this occasional words recorded in the diary of his student,
Mr.Hideo Takahashi.

  These sayings are intended to help guide us in our everyday lives, and it is hoped that by placing this
Daily Sayings in a conspicuous location, frequently viewing it, and taking its message constantly to heart, we may
all eventually come to realize these words in actual practice. One will receive courage at times, comfort at
others, and one should be confident that, with regular use, one is being lifted with each turn of the card and
each day that passes.
 Taking these sayings to heart it is likewise hoped that we may all rise above differences of people,
country, and religion and join together in recitation of Master Goi's universal prayer for peace:

     May peace prevail on earth.
     May peace be in our homes and countries.
     May our missions be accomplished.
     We thank thee, Guardian Deities and Guardian Spirits.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
*from "Daily Sayings"